Friday, January 15, 2016


As a Certified Natural Health Practitioner and Loomis Digestive Health Specialist, it is of UPMOST importance to me to EDUCATE EO users.  After YEARS of research and education on this matter-and even through my own experimentation with oils-I have come to very strong conclusions on how I believe oils should be used.

Here is a breakdown on a few main points:

1.  PEOPLE CAN ABSOLUTELY BE ALLERGIC TO OILS.  To hear anyone say otherwise is unscientific and uneducated.  Click HERE for more info on how.  This is why YOU SHOULD ALWAYS DILUTE TO MINIMIZE ANY RISK OF REACTIONS.

2.  THE "DETOX" EFFECT (WHEN USED TOPICALLY) IS IMPOSSIBLE.  It is NOT scientifically/biochemically possible to have a "detox" effect if a person has any type of reaction on the skin.  Applying something on the body does NOT cause detoxification.  So if you apply an oil to the skin and have an adverse reaction, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS:  AN ADVERSE REACTION.  ALWAYS.

3.  In the case of an adverse reaction, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO STOP USING THAT OIL INDEFINITELY.  Having an allergic reaction to an oil means that your immune system has created antibodies to something in that product or blend, and you can assume you will have that same reaction for life now.

4. OILS ARE CLINICALLY PROVEN TO IRRITATE MUCOUS MEMBRANES which can cause severe long-term health concerns to the stomach and vital organs if oils are ingested.  Due to the overwhelming evidence, I DO NOT SUPPORT INGESTION OF OILS UNLESS UNDER THE CARE OF AN EDUCATED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER/AROMATHERAPIST, and even then, ingestion should be used as CRISIS care ONLY.  According to world renown Robert Tisserand on this matter,

"...If you put essential oils in water and drink the water then there are two reasons this is not a good idea. One is that essential oils don’t dissolve in water and so it actually makes it harder for your body to assimilate the essential oil into its system because it’s not evenly dispersed. It makes it much harder for the body but it also means that you have little droplets of essential oils floating around in your stomach and this can lead to irritation of the very sensitive mucus membranes of the stomach."  

5. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "THERAPEUTIC GRADE" OILS.  This term is truly ONLY a marketing term created by the company selling these oils.  What you DO want to look for is UNADULTERATED oils.  The term "therapeutic grade" is not recognized by any official organization or the FDA.   If you think that term separates an oil from any other oil you've been DUPED by brilliant marketing.  And to make the matter even WORSE:  some companies claim that other oils use "filler" oils or that you should avoid "perfumy" oils.  From Robert Tisserand:

"...if you’re buying sandalwood, frankincense, copaiba or helichrysum oil, you can only get these from certain wholesalers in the world. If you’re selling blue tansy, helichrysum or frankincense oils you’ve bought them from, in the case of helichrysum, the Balkans, in the case of blue tansy, Morocco. That’s where they come from. Everybody gets them from the same place. So one blue tansy oil isn’t different from the next, one frankincense oil isn’t all that different from the next. They come from the same suppliers, the same origins. So your sandalwood oil isn’t different from the next person’s sandalwood. It may cost a lot more, but it basically is the same oil, unless it’s been adulterated. Sure, we don’t want adulterated oils."

6.  REFER TO PROPER DILUTION CHARTS AS A GUIDELINE FOR APPLICATION.  A simple search on the internet can be helpful.



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