Monday, April 29, 2013

Fried Morels (or Portabella) Mushrooms w/ Gluten Free Option

Here's the deal:  I. LOVE. FRIED. MUSHROOMS.  Come Morel season, we love to slather on some good tea tree oil (to keep the spring ticks at bay), pull on our boots, and go 'shroom huntin'.  Whether we find none or 100, this is one of my most favorite spring things to do:  fresh air, exploring the spring vegetation, seeing fun wildlife tracks, finding shed deer antlers, etc.  Personally, I feel God's presence when I'm in His creation.  Actually finding morels is the icing on the cake!

While I usually post extremely healthy recipes, this here is still a good ol' fashioned DEEP FRY method and I love it.  After all, it's once a year so we do it up right 'round these parts!

**But since I can't help myself, I did choose to use some ground flax, gluten free flours, and a good organic EVOO to fry them in! ;)

NOTE:  I LIKE TO FRY MY 'SHROOMS ON THE GRILL IN MY CAST IRON.  But you can do it inside, too.


1 gallon (or less) of morels, cut in half (lengthwise) and soaked in salt water/lemon overnight (skip this step if using portabella)
Oil of your choice
4 eggs + 4 tbsp of flax + 3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of milk or milk alternative
2 cups of all-purpose, wheat, or GF all-purpose flour blend, or ALMOND MEAL!
Sea salt/pepper
*Optional:  misc spices (cajon, paprika, etc)


1.  Toss mushrooms in strainer and rinse with cold water.  (pre-soak overnight in salt/lemon water if using morels)  Set aside.

2.  Pour enough oil in pan until its about 2-3 inches deep.  Heat on grill or stove.  You'll know it is hot enough when you sprinkle in flour and it sizzles.

3.  Mix/whisk together the eggs, flax, water and milk in a medium sized bowl.  THIS IS THE WET INGREDIENTS.

4.  In a large ziplock bag, mix together the flour, salt, pepper, and any added spices.  THIS IS THE DRY INGREDIENTS.

5.  Make an assembly line:  MUSHROOMS, WET, DRY, COOKIE SHEET.

6.  Toss mushrooms in WET.  Let "soak up" for about 10 seconds.  Remove and tap on side of bowl.

7.  Toss wet mushrooms in the ziplock bag full of flour.  Close the bag and shake it vigorously until will coated.  Remove, shake of excess flour, and place on cookie sheet.

8.  Repeat until all mushrooms are coated.  Toss in hot oil a few at a time and cook until they turn a light gold color.  (5 minutes or so...depends on how hot your oil is)  Remove and place on a paper towel lined plate/bowl.

SERVE W/ MY HOMEMADE RANCH DRESSING.  Spice it up by adding a little cajun spices or paprika/chili powder.

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