Thursday, April 17, 2014

SODA ADDICT? Try this tip...

I was once very much addicted to a certain Diet Soda.  It happens so easily doesn't it?  One day after having a new baby, I was so tired I couldn't function so I stopped at my favorite gas station and the rest is history.

Weaning myself off was not pretty.  But I did it.  And so can you.  I haven't had a soda in ages and have absolutely NO desire for one.

Some people can quit cold turkey.  I was not one of those.  I weaned gradually but once I discovered how to make the following flavored waters my task became MUCH easier.

What you need:

1.  liquid or powdered 100% stevia.  (that 100% is very important.  Truvia is not stevia.  If it has xylitol, that is not 100% stevia, so check those labels!)  NOTE:  liquid stevia comes in many different flavors and honestly I'm not sure what all of them have been flavored with, so use your head and check those labels.  I love the peppermint flavored one, but I know there is even a "root beer" flavor.  Just be careful.

2.  Filtered Water

3.  Any fruit and herbs:  lemon, watermelon, cucumber, mint, rosemary, strawberries, lime, orange, etc.


Simply fill up your glass of water.  Toss in some sliced fruit and/or herbs of your choice.  (lime, watermelon and mint...YUMMY!)  Add 4-6 drops of liquid stevia or 1-2 pinches of powdered stevia.

Stir well.  Sometimes I will even crush my fruit to release its flavor a little more.

EXPERIMENT AND HAVE FUN!  You will be SO shocked at how delicious and easy these are...AND HOW YOU WON'T EVEN WANT THAT POP AFTER JUST A FEW DAYS!

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