Sunday, August 18, 2013

Homemade Lavender Oatmeal Facial Scrub

Got Lavender?  Try this easy recipe and you can enjoy it all year!

STEP 1:  Harvest your lavender:  I harvest just BEFORE my lavender starts to bloom flowers.  Using scissors, I cut 2-3 inches below the buds so I have plenty of room to bunch them together w/ a rubberband for the drying out process.

STEP 2:  DRY your lavender.  There are many methods, from dehydrators to laying on a cooling rack.  But I use the old fashioned method by bunching it up w/ a rubber band and hanging it upside down in my basement for 2 weeks-1 month.  BUDS WILL FALL OFF DURING THIS DRYING OUT PROCESS SO BE SURE AND LAY OUT A SHEET OR LARGE TABLE CLOTH TO CATCH THE BUDS THAT FALL.

STEP 3:  COLLECT your lavender.  Once dry, the buds will fall off easily.  Place all the buds in a seal-tight container.


1 cup of steel cut or rolled oats
1/2 cup of lavender buds (dried out)
1/2 cup of almond meal
**OPTIONAL:  5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
**OPTIONAL:  5 drops of Vit E oil

Place all ingredients in a food processor until you have a very FINE CONSISTENCY.  Store in an air-tight container.  I keep mine in my bathroom and use it on my face AT LEAST once/week.  It is GENTLE yet POWERFUL.  Meaning:  if you have sensitive skin, this is a good scrub for you.  If you have acne or blackheads, don't be fooled for the "gentle" character:  it can clear up the worst of acne!

NOTE:  This will mold if you allow moisture in it.  When I use it in the shower, I avoid scooping it out w/ my wet hands.  Instead, I have a small little spoon inside.


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