Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Dye Easter Eggs NATURALLY w/ everyday ingredients

We did this last year and the colors turned out so pretty!

To view site I took this from click HERE


Two cups water plus 3/4 tablespoons turmeric creates this vibrant yellow on white eggs and a deep gold on brown ones. Other options: Orange or lemon peels, carrots, chamomile tea, celery seed, green tea, ground cumin, saffron

Two cups water + two cups grated beets OR cranberries/ cranberry juice, raspberries, red grape juice or beet kvass (skip the vinegar for the kvass)


Two cups yellow onion peels plus five cups water. Other options: Carrots or paprika

Three cups tightly packed shredded cabbage plus enough water to cover one inch above shreds. Brown eggs will turn green and white eggs will turn blue. Other options for green include spinach leaves, fresh basil and liquid chlorophyll. (Grass clippings are supposed to work too but I tried it and the water turned brown)
Other options for blue include ½ cup blueberries plus 1½ cups water (pictured below) or purple grape juice.
Three to four cups tightly packed red onion peels plus water to cover about one inch above. Other options: Rose hips, pomegranate juice, raspberries. If you’re using brown eggs beets will turn them maroon – while eggs will be pink)

Ingredients/Tools Needed:

  • Natural dye materials (shredded beets, turmeric, etc)
  • Filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar per dye color
  • pots for simmering ingredients
  • mesh strainer
  • small bowls or mason jars (order mason jars here)
  • eggs
  • medium pot
  • coconut or olive oil (optional – for adding lustre to eggs)

Directions For Making Dye

  1. I’ve included estimates for proportions based on the dyes I made, but if you’re using different ingredients here are a few rules of thumb: Use about ½ to ¾ cup of the natural dye ingredient per one cup of water (except spices . . . you’ll need a lot less!). The water should come to ½ – 1 inch above your dye material.
  2. Bring dye matter and water to a boil.* Turn heat down to low and simmer, covered, for 15-60 minutes until desired color is reached. Keep in mind that the eggs will be several shades lighter so it’s best to go for deep, rich hues.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature
  4. Pour dye through a mesh strainer into bowls/mason jars and add 3 teaspoons of vinegar for each cup of dye liquid
  5. Add hardboiled eggs and place in fridge until desired color is reached (I started mine in early afternoon and let them set overnight)
If you’re using juice skip the boiling. Just add the vinegar and get started.

Directions For Eggs:

  1.  In a medium pot cover eggs in cold water.  Bring pot to a boil. Once it’s rolling turn off the heat and cover the pot, After 10 minutes, place eggs in a bowl of cold water and let sit until they’re cool to the touch.
  2. Drain bowl and replace with warm, soapy water (I used castille soap). Gently rub eggs with a washcloth or your thumb to remove oils that prohibit natural dyes from adhering as effectively to the egg shell.
  3. Lower egg into the dye and place them in the fridge. Soak until your desired color is reached.
  4. When the eggs are ready scoop them out with a spoon and place on a drying rack or an upside down egg carton.
  5. Naturally-dyed eggs have a matte finish. If you’d like to add a little lustre rub with coconut our olive oil and polish with a paper towel.

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