Sunday, August 12, 2012

Easy Nacho's

Sometimes a girl's just gotta have her some nacho's! 

This was my dinner tonight.  I can't say it was loaded w/ nutrition but it was delicious nonetheless...and fresh!


Organic Tortilla Chips
Colby Jack Cheese, shredded (or whatever cheese you like)
Garlic Powder
Sea Salt
(you could also opt out of garlic/salt and use a chipotle seasoning, cajun, etc. Just make sure and check ingredients...STAY AWAY from anything containing MSG or monosodium glumate)

OPTIONAL:  diced red onion, fresh garden tomatoes, fresh cilantro, olives, etc...

PREHEAT OVEN TO 350.  On a baking sheet lightly oiled, spread out your tortilla chips.  Sprinkle on some cheese, garlic powder and a little bit of sea salt.  (don't use garlic salt...garlic salt contains table salt which = bad for you) 

Bake for about 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted.  Take out of the oven and top w/ your favorite fresh goodies like diced tomato, diced red onion, and fresh cilantro.

NUTRITIONAL BOOST:  sprinkle on some chia seeds and if you are wanting to add some protein, add diced tofu w/ the shredded cheese and bake.

Oh Cheese, how I love thee...

How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways...

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